The sheer numbers are astounding!! 207,000.000 million gallons!!! BP say's they will make it right. We appreciate that because the full implications and fallout from this disaster will not be known until many years down the road. Let's hope their commitment and dedication to making things right holds strong through the years.

" A federal report on the Gulf oil spill says a total of nearly 207 million gallons leaked from the blown-out BP well.
The report released Wednesday says a little more than 172 million gallons of that made it into the Gulf. It says nearly 35 million gallons was held back by a temporary containment cap.
The report was released by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
A government task force released an estimate this week indicating that a total of about 205 million gallons had leaked. It also said about 172 million gallons escaped into the Gulf.
It noted then that its estimate had a margin of error of 10 percentage points."
Story taken form the AP
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