Interesting article out of Jacksonville, Florida. Although tragic keep in mind you're more likely to be struck by lightning twice then to be bit by a shark. Millions of people a year swim in the ocean. There has only been 936 documented shark bites and 25 fatalities in the United States since 1959.

"A University of North Florida baseball player was hospitalized after being bitten by a powerful fish Friday at Jacksonville Beach. "All I really felt was teeth and tearing," Clayton Schulz said today from a patient room at Shands Jacksonville hospital. "I'm lucky. I still have a foot, and they expect me to hopefully make close to a 100 percent recovery."
Schulz, a 20-year-old business management major, said he had been surfing near Sixth Avenue South about 4:30 p.m. when his left foot was snatched. "I was hopping back on my board and the shark came up and grabbed my foot and shook it around a little it and let go," he said. "I popped right up and got on my board and lifted my foot out of the water. ... It was torn up real good."
More than 300 stitches were needed to repair the damage, said Peter Schulz, the pitcher's father. Schulz, a left-handed pitcher for the Ospreys, is entering his junior year at UNF.
Reports of shark attacks are relatively rare in Jacksonville. By last year, only 19 "unprovoked" attacks had been logged in Duval County since the 1880s."
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